Thursday, 28 March 2013

A Makeover for My Birthday Girl

So my baby girl is turning three this weekend. I have been racking my brain as to what to get her. She has a ton of stuff already. Since she is my second she got most of her brothers toys as well as so many amazing hand me downs from an amazing family members daughters.
Since we moved to our house a year ago her room has stuff in it but just hasn't felt "right " to me.

Here is what it looks like right now:

We painted it a purple with a touch of gray to it, given to us by a friend. It is a beautiful colour but I find her room a bit dark. 
So I figure now is as good as times as any to give my girl a special room of her own.

Here's my idea:

Abby :)

Abby :) by sherrymiser on Polyvore

I plan on keeping the wall her bed is on the purple colour. I want to paint the other three walls Autumn Haze by Glidden to brighten things up.
I would love these turquoise curtains because they are super cute and they keep the light out. The girl is a terrible sleeper, I will do what I can to keep her sleeping ;)
I found the cutest comforter set at Target. We just got Target in Canada. So I will check and see if we get that set, if not a trip to the states is in order.
I saw this set of paper lanterns done here and I think it would be a great idea.
We already have two of the pink petal lights from Ikea.
Tonight I plan on making these bookshelves for a reading corner and I need a beanbag chair for that corner as well (her brother has one already and she loves it).
So I have no idea how long it will take to come together but what a great present I think it would be to have a special room. Since she slept in our walk-in closet for the first two years of her life, it only seems fair.
The only problem is that knowing me, I may change my mind a few times along the way. Kind of like this...

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